Extract the structure of a Semantic Data Model
{ getModelStructure }
Returns the structural definition of a materialized data model in JSON format using its unique 'connection' ID
- Enterprise Admin
- Domain Admin
- Pro
Input Parameters
The model's connection system ID
Output Response
Successful Result Code
Response Type
Description of Response Type
The model definition that contains details of tables, their relationships and joins, and measures.

This example demonstrates how to get model structure create custom furmula and list and use it to create discover.
using System;
using PyramidAnalytics.Sdk.Api;
using PyramidAnalytics.Sdk.Client;
using PyramidAnalytics.Sdk.Model;
static void Main()
// base configurations
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.BasePath = "http://mysite.com";
//authenticate user - returns the authentication Token
AuthenticationServiceApi api = new AuthenticationServiceApi(conf);
string token = api.AuthenticateUser(new UserCredentials(
username: "adminUser",
password: "abc123!"
Console.WriteLine("Api token : " + token);
// set token for further APIs
conf.AddApiKey("paToken", token);
GlobalConfiguration.Instance = conf;
// find folder to save
ContentServiceApi contentApi = new ContentServiceApi();
Guid folderId = getFolder(contentApi, "FolderName");
//initialize the datasources api
DataSourcesServiceApi dataSourcesApi = new DataSourcesServiceApi();
//get the connection string for the model
ConnectionSearchCriteria cssc = new ConnectionSearchCriteria(
serverSearchCriteria: new SearchCriteria(
searchValue: "In-Memory DB",
searchMatchType: SearchMatchType.Equals
databaseSearchCriteria: new SearchCriteria(
searchValue: "SampleDemo",
searchMatchType: SearchMatchType.Equals
modelSearchCriteria: new SearchCriteria(
searchValue: "SampleDemo",
searchMatchType: SearchMatchType.Contains
Guid connectionStringId = Guid.Parse(dataSourcesApi.FindModelConnection(cssc)[0].Id);
Console.WriteLine("Connection String Id : " + connectionStringId);
//find theme
ThemesServiceApi themesApi = new ThemesServiceApi();
string themeId = themesApi.FindThemeByName(new SearchCriteria(searchValue: "Pyramid", searchMatchType: SearchMatchType.Contains))[0].ThemeId;
Console.WriteLine("Theme Id : " + themeId);
//get the model definition
ModelingModel mom = dataSourcesApi.GetModelStructure(connectionStringId.ToString());
// create custom list and formula
AnalyticsServiceApi analystApi = new AnalyticsServiceApi();
Guid listId = addList(analystApi, connectionStringId, folderId, mom);
Guid formulaId = addFormula(analystApi, connectionStringId, folderId, mom);
// create discovery
addDiscovery(analystApi, connectionStringId, folderId, formulaId, listId, themeId, mom);
// find folder from user private folder with specific name
static Guid getFolder(ContentServiceApi contentApi, string folderName)
ContentSearchParamsObject searchParams = new ContentSearchParamsObject(
searchString: folderName,
filterTypes: new List<ContentTypeObject> { ContentTypeObject.Folder },
searchMatchType: SearchMatchType.Equals,
searchRootFolderType: SearchRootFolderType.Private
List<PyramidContentItem> folders = contentApi.FindContentItem(searchParams);
Guid folderId = Guid.Parse(folders[0].Id);
Console.WriteLine("Folder id : " + folderId);
return folderId;
// create custom list for the product.color hierarchy to filter 2 values from it's members
static Guid addList(AnalyticsServiceApi analystApi, Guid connectionStringId, Guid folderId, ModelingModel mom)
// get unique name from the model
String uniqueName = getColumnUniqueNameFromModel(mom, "products", "Color");
// create the formula for exclusion of specific members
String formulaSyntax = String.Format("{{Except({{AllMembers({0})}},{{{0}.[Multi],{0}.[NA]}})}}", uniqueName);
ListData customList = new ListData(connectionId: connectionStringId,
formulaSyntax: formulaSyntax,
itemName: "All Colors without NA and Multi",
description: "custom list item descriptions",
folderId: folderId,
parentDimension: "[products]", // parent table
parentHierarchy: uniqueName // parent hierarchy
Guid listId = analystApi.SetList(customList);// create list
Console.WriteLine("List id : " + listId);
return listId;
// create custom measure formula to calculate the price per quantity
static Guid addFormula(AnalyticsServiceApi analystApi, Guid connectionStringId, Guid folderId, ModelingModel mom)
// get unique names from the model
var price = getMeasureUniqueNameFromModel(mom, "data", "price");
var quantity = getMeasureUniqueNameFromModel(mom, "data", "quantity");
FormulaData customFormula = new FormulaData(connectionId: connectionStringId,
formulaSyntax: price + "/" + quantity, // formula: "[measures].[data Price]/[measures].[data Quantity]"
itemName: "Price By Quantity",
folderId: folderId,
parentDimension: "[measures]" // global measures
Guid formulaId = analystApi.SetFormula(customFormula);// create formula
Console.WriteLine("Formula id : " + formulaId);
return formulaId;
static void addDiscovery(AnalyticsServiceApi analystApi, Guid connectionStringId, Guid folderId, Guid formulaId, Guid listId, string themeId, ModelingModel mom)
DiscoverData simpleDiscovery = new DiscoverData(connectionId: connectionStringId,
itemName: "Prices by categories",
description: "Discovery item descriptions",
folderId: folderId,
themeId: themeId,
visuals: new Visuals(cartesian:// create cartesian visual
new CartesianVisual(
visualType: CartesianVisualType.StackedColumnChart, // Chart type: StackedColumnChart
categories: new CartesianCategoriesDropZone(new List<CartesianCategoriesHierarchyChip> // categories dropzone chips
// add 2 chips of "product category" and "product sub category" in that specific order
new CartesianCategoriesHierarchyChip(uniqueName:getColumnUniqueNameFromModel(mom,"products","product category")),
new CartesianCategoriesHierarchyChip(uniqueName:getColumnUniqueNameFromModel(mom,"products","product sub category"))
values: new CartesianValuesDropZone(new List<CartesianValuesMeasureChip> // values dropzone chips
// add the given measure formula created before as the values chip
new CartesianValuesMeasureChip(uniqueName:formulaId.ToString())
filter: new CartesianFilterDropZone(new List<CartesianFilterChip> // filter dropzone chips
// set filter on the customer country
new CartesianFilterChip(hierarchy: new CartesianFilterHierarchyChip(
uniqueName:getColumnUniqueNameFromModel(mom, "customers", "country"),
filterType:FilterHierarchyType.DropDownMultiSelect // OPTIONAL: set the filter type to multi-select drop down
color: new CartesianColorDropZone(new List<CartesianColorChip>// color dropzone chips
// set colors by the product color
new CartesianColorChip(hierarchy:new CartesianColorHierarchyChip(uniqueName:getColumnUniqueNameFromModel(mom, "products", "color")))
elementSelections: new List<HierarchyElementSelection> // set the element selection for this discover
// filter the products.color by the created custom list
new HierarchyElementSelection(uniqueName:getColumnUniqueNameFromModel(mom, "products", "Color"),
all: false, // deselect the "All Members"
selectionsList:new List<ElementSelectionData>
{ // add the created list as the element selection
new ElementSelectionData(selectionType: ElementSelectionDataType.List,
uniqueNames:new List<string>{ listId.ToString() }
Guid ret = analystApi.CreateDiscover(simpleDiscovery);// create the discover
Console.WriteLine("Discovery id : " + ret);
// find a measure unique name form a model structure by the give table name and measure name
static string getMeasureUniqueNameFromModel(ModelingModel mom, string tableName, string displayName)
return mom.Tables
.Where(t => t.DisplayName.Equals(tableName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))// find table by name
.First().ModelingMeasures // get all table measures
.Where(mm => mm.DisplayName.Equals(displayName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // find measure by name
// find a column/hierarchy unique name form a model structure by the give table name and column name
static string getColumnUniqueNameFromModel(ModelingModel mom, string tableName, string displayName)
ModelingColumn? modelingColumn = mom.Tables
.Where(t => t.DisplayName.Equals(tableName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))// find table by name
.First().ModelingColumns // get all table columns
.Where(mc => mc.DisplayName.Equals(displayName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // find column by name
if (modelingColumn != null)// if column found
return modelingColumn.UniqueName;
return mom.Tables
.Where(t => t.DisplayName.Equals(tableName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // find table by name
.First().ModelingHierarchies // get all table hierarchies
.Where(mh => mh.DisplayName.Equals(displayName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // find hierarchy by name
// can be searched further to hierarchy levels if needed
Code Snippets
Use the Authentication API methods to generate an access 'key' or 'token' for use in code as shown below.
curl -X POST \
-H "paToken: [[apiKey]]" \
-H "Accept: application/json,application/json;charset=utf-8,text/plain,text/plain;charset=utf-8" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
"http://Your.Server.URL/API3/dataSources/getModelStructure" \
-d ''
import com.pyramidanalytics.*;
import com.pyramidanalytics.auth.*;
import com.pyramidanalytics.model.*;
import com.pyramidanalytics.api.DataSourcesServiceApi;
import java.util.*;
import java.time.*;
public class DataSourcesServiceApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure API key authorization: paToken
ApiKeyAuth paToken = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("paToken");
paToken.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
// Create an instance of the API class
DataSourcesServiceApi apiInstance = new DataSourcesServiceApi();
// Initialize the connectionId parameter object for the call
String connectionId = connectionId_example; // Create the input object for the operation, type: String
try {
ModelingModel result = apiInstance.getModelStructure(connectionId);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling DataSourcesServiceApi#getModelStructure");
import * as PyramidAnalyticsWebApi from "com.pyramidanalytics";
// Create an instance of the API class
const api = new PyramidAnalyticsWebApi.DataSourcesServiceApi("http://Your.Server.URL")
// Configure API key authorization: paToken
api.setApiToken("YOUR API KEY");
const connectionId = connectionId_example; // {String}
api.getModelStructure(connectionId).then(function(data) {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, function(error) {
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using PyramidAnalytics.Sdk.Api;
using PyramidAnalytics.Sdk.Client;
using PyramidAnalytics.Sdk.Model;
public class getModelStructureExample
public static void Main()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.BasePath = "http://Your.Server.URL/";
// Configure API key authorization: paToken
conf.ApiKey.Add("paToken", "YOUR_API_KEY");
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// conf.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("paToken", "Bearer");
GlobalConfiguration.Instance = conf;
// Create an instance of the API class
var apiInstance = new DataSourcesServiceApi();
// Initialize the connectionId parameter object for the call
var connectionId = connectionId_example; // Create the input object for the operation, type: String |
try {
// Returns the structural definition of a materialized data model in JSON format using its unique 'connection' ID
ModelingModel result = apiInstance.getModelStructure(connectionId);
} catch (Exception e) {
Debug.Print("Exception when calling DataSourcesServiceApi.getModelStructure: " + e.Message );
import com.pyramidanalytics
from com.pyramidanalytics import ApiException
from com.pyramidanalytics import DataSourcesServiceApi
from pprint import pprint
# Configure API key authorization: paToken
api_config = com.pyramidanalytics.Configuration(host = 'http://Your.Server.URL/', api_key={ paToken:'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' })
with com.pyramidanalytics.ApiClient(api_config) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = DataSourcesServiceApi(api_client)
# Initialize the connectionId parameter object for the call
connectionId = connectionId_example # String |
# Returns the structural definition of a materialized data model in JSON format using its unique 'connection' ID
api_response = api_instance.get_model_structure(connectionId)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling DataSourcesServiceApi->getModelStructure: %s\n" % e)
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: paToken
OpenAPITools\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('paToken', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// OpenAPITools\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('paToken', 'Bearer');
// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\DataSourcesServiceApi();
$connectionId = connectionId_example; // String |
try {
$result = $api_instance->getModelStructure($connectionId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DataSourcesServiceApi->getModelStructure: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;